Friday 9 July 2010


I hadn't heard of Slideshare before I checked it out as one of the 23 Things. I found some interesting presentations on there.

When I clicked on the link to Heriot-Watt University Library's presentations I looked at one on finding resources in the library, database searching of references and academic writing. It gave a simple step-by-step guide aimed (I believe) at undergraduates using a library for the first time. I think a similar online induction guide would be very useful in our library for when a user wants to know about the library but is either elsewhere, out-of-library hours or too afraid to ask (we aren't that scary - I hope). I couldn't find the code I needed to embed the link so I have copied the web address below:

I found a presentation from the Fifth CILIP CoFHE UC&R Joint Conference at Exeter University held in June that my colleague had attended. It's entitled "Library - what library? - or Ensuring a bright future for academic libraries". This had some interesting insights about the future of libraries, especially in the current economic climate of cuts, cuts and more cuts. Again, no code but the link is below:

I think Slideshare is an excellent way of putting Powerpoint presentations out there as an individual but surely if they are produced by, for or on behalf of an institution their own website would be the first place any searcher would look. I agree with Miss Crail about the legality of some of the items put on there. When I typed "libraries" into the search box one of the presentations was for the 1984 BBC film of "The body in the library" by Agatha Christie, starring Joan Hickson. It claimed to be a free download of the movie but when I clicked on the link the "Pop-up blocked" message appeared. I'm sure this contravenes copyright so I don't see the point of putting this on Slideshare in the first place.

And finally, just for fun, a presentation entitled "Do not believe everything you see". Again link below:

1 comment:

  1. I think I will use Slideshare for inspiration rather than as a place to upload my presentations. We add library presentations to CamTools as that's where all students go for course & library information.
